The results
At various locations in Arnhem, the 15 kVA Solar Aggregate & 45 kVA Solar Aggregate powered the construction shack, container and electrical equipment as sustainably as possible. After the work on Eldensedijk was completed, work started on the bridge in Apeldoornseweg over Cattepoelse weg. During this work, electrical tools were used significantly more. This required higher power, which the newly released 45 kVA Zon-Aggregaat (solar generator) is perfectly capable of delivering.
With the arrival of the solar power generator, as much energy as possible was supplied from the solar panels in combination with the battery pack. This way, energy could be used without emissions. Should additional energy be needed for an emergency, an automatically switched-on back-up biodiesel aggregate (HVO100) could be used.
In addition to the huge savings in CO2 and NOX, the solar aggregate also had an overall lower price than the conventional diesel aggregate. A conventional diesel aggregate always supplies energy, even at times when virtually no energy is required. A diesel genset should always run at 1500 rpm. On this construction site, an average of 0.85 kW was used. The diesel genset is designed to generate 16 kW (20 kVA) on average. This difference results in a huge energy efficiency loss. The backup biodiesel in the Volta Solar Generator delivers its electrical power to the battery. Thereby, all energy is ‘harvested’ from the diesel genset. This yields the highest possible efficiency and thus a large diesel saving.
In addition to these Diesel, CO2 and NOX savings, the solar power generator has caused less inconvenience to local residents, had a positive influence on the image of the construction site on the neighbourhood and provided a sustainable image.
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